Om ‘Music from The Godfather – The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra’
“Når musik er et tilbud, du ikke kan afslå…”
En smuk og dramatisk genfortolkning af det legendariske soundtrack fra The Godfather. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra leverer en storslået oplevelse, der bringer dig direkte ind i Corleone-familiens verden.
Dette er en dobbelt LP på Gennemsigtig med rød splatter vinyl
The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra er fra USA
1. The Godfather – Waltz (From the Godfather)
2. Speak Softly Love (From the Godfather II)
3. Sicilian Pastorale (From the Godfather)
4. The Pick-Up (From the Godfather)
5. Tarantella (From the Godfather)
6. Mazurka (From the Godfather)
7. Finale (From the Godfather)
8. The Immigrant (From the Godfather II)
9. Kay (From the Godfather II)
10. Marcia Stilo Italiano (From the Godfather II)
11. End Title (From the Godfather II)
12. Marcia Religiosa (From the Godfather III)
13. Marcia Festa (From the Godfather III)
14. The Immigrant / Love Theme (From the Godfather III)
15. Intermezzo (From the Godfather III)
16. Preludio From Cavalleria Rusticana (From the Godfather III)
17. Coda (From the Godfather III)
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